Well, LBP is certainly being lazy. Bev and I were as active as possible today, trying to kick start labor. We've been on 2 hikes today and went blackberry picking in our friend Meghan's back yard. Unfortunately, LBP is still lazing around inside my big belly, as comfortable as can be. I think you can sort of tell from the photo that I have dropped a little, which is a good sign, and I have been having mild contractions for the past couple days, also a good sign, but no sign of any real labor starting.
The good thing is that most of the things they say to do to try to "induce" labor naturally are things I really enjoy; hiking, eating spicy food, driving on bumpy roads (well, not that I necessarily enjoy that one usually, but there is construction in every direction we go around here, so its at least easy to find), etc. So, for now we just keep doing all of those things and hope to meet our little one soon.
I will admit, I am starting to feel a bit impatient, but I suppose its good practice for the concept that the baby now has a say in our schedules, sometimes more than we'd like to admit.
Looks like its back to work tomorrow for me. I'll keep you all updated if anything exciting happens.