27 May 2011

Some pre-haircut randoms

Here's a few photos I've been meaning to post and keep forgetting. Oops. :)

Testing out the new chairs that Granny got for the boys

Hmmm...do I like this one best?

Just a dude and his jeep (he made me ride in the back)

Wee (when he's done sliding he gets up and says "more Wee?" Its impossible to say no to that)

Hiiii Mommy!!

A guy on a bike rode by...that's what is so exciting.

"Where my daddy?"

Who knew we'd be answering that question this early.

This morning, Rory was sitting at the table eating breakfast and he said to me out of nowhere, "Where my daddy?" I think the thought stemmed from the fact that his friend at school was being picked up by her daddy and he labeled him "daddy" when he saw him and we said, "yes, that's her daddy". At the time he didn't ask about his own, but the next morning apparently he's thinking about it still. I'm fascinated by how young he is and he's already noticing that there are differences in families. I guess its great that he's so self-aware to recognize that. He seemed perfectly happy with the idea that he doesn't have one and that he's got 2 mommies instead. After that explanation, he immediately turned back to me and said "Where Mama B?", so I think he understood. I'm sure that he'll want more of an explanation than that as he gets older but luckily for now he seems to have moved past it. So interesting.

19 May 2011

His first big boy haircut...

Today Rory went to see Naughty Sarah for the first time to get his hair cut. He looks like such a big boy now. Between that and getting him a big boy bed I feel like we're slowly accepting the beginning of his transition out of true toddlerhood and into boyhood. He started sleeping on a mat with the big kids at naptime at daycare this week. He now eats his sandwich as a half and takes bites instead of in little pieces, and he learned how to use a straw. He's growing up so quick. :)

Here's a few photos of the before and after of his haircut. He screamed for the first 30 seconds or so when she started but Bev was able to distract him by letting him scroll through photos on her IPhone. She claims that alone is a enough justification for having bought the new phones. :)



05 May 2011


Hello...we're slackers. I know you've all been waiting for more blog posts and more photos and videos of our little man, but we've been super busy with the new house, the garden (or as some would call it...the farm), and enjoying life with a crazy fun toddler. Not to make excuses, but simply to say, I'm going to play a little catch up right now and post a bunch of different subjects from the past month or so.


04 May 2011


So, after nearly 2 years of having the grinder in my possession but not daring to actually attempt to make Gutons, I finally did it...and I did an alright job for a first try (if I do say so myself...although I don't want to say so too loudly or else I'll have to share. :)

Gutons are a Pigeon favorite that my Grampie used to make. Since he passed away, there have been a few scattered attempts (that I know of anyway) but nobody has taken on the role of making large batches to share with the whole family the way he used to. Not that I'm volunteering myself for that role quite yet, but I do feel very strongly that the next generation of kids needs to continue the love of the Gutons. Rory was lucky enough to get his first taste on my first attempt. I think I did alright on the texture. It was pretty close to what I remember. The flavor is only a touch off, but I can't quite pinpoint what it is. I know there are lots of Pigeons out there reading this and thinking "Let me taste...I'll tell you what you're missing", and if you'd like to do that, you know where we live. It was a small batch, but there might be some left over by the time you got here. :)

So, here is a video taken this afternoon of Rory trying it for the first time. He's also obsessed with crackers these days so he's even more excited:

After testing out and loving his first guton cracker, he walked away with his second one while I was making one for myself. Cooper thought gutons smelled pretty good too and made a play for Rory's cracker. This next video is the tail end of Rory's reaction. We couldn't catch the first part because we were laughing so hard. He flipped out! He got so upset and was crying and yelling "No Cooper. No cracker!!" Believe me buddy, we all understand. Gutons do NOT go to the dog! The funniest part is that as hard as he was crying about it, the dog didn't actually even get it. He still had it in his hand the whole time. He is a true Pigeon.


Rory had a lot of fun searching for Easter eggs at Ninna and Papa's. He thought the tennis ball was the best egg of all, but he actually found more eggs than I did (with Papa's help).

His new favorite phrases that day were "Hi Papa" and "Mimi, Pop" which he says with his finger in his mouth, trying to demonstrate how Mimi makes her mouth go "pop". He's so close to being able to do it himself, but he isn't always able to make a loud noise. Something to strive for. :)

Laying in a pile of Easter grass...fascinating.

Happy Birthday Auntie Nicole!!
Rory shares birthday cake with Auntie Nicole...oh wait, he's not sharing, he's eating the whole piece. Whoa!!

"Mama, I stuck"

Snacking with my friends...

Rory's vocabulary has just exploded in the past few weeks. He's just about at the point where when you say a word to him that he hasn't heard before or hasn't said before, he'll think about it, then repeat it, sometimes not perfectly the first time, but he'll try 2 or 3 times until he thinks he gets it right. Its super cute to listen to and amazing to witness him so obviously learning right before your eyes. I love it...well, most of it. His repeating everything he hears is not always ideal. He did go through a 2 week span a month ago where he was very emphatically and accurately using the phrase "oh shit". I honestly don't think he picked it up from us, because, although we do slip up occasionally around him, that's not a phrase we usually use, but he picked it up somewhere because he was very good at using it. He'd say it more with a "ch" sound, so he'd drop something and then look at me and say "oh chit Mama". And, when I'd try to convince him that he means to say something else, like "oh, did you drop it?" He'd just look at me and shake his head and say again "oh chit". The funniest part is that I'd occasionally catch him saying it to himself under his breath. Its SO hard to keep a straight face through that, but we must have done an okay job of not reacting because he's let it go for now. We haven't heard him saying it in weeks.

His latest favorite phrase is "I poop". If he actually was letting us know when it happened it would be very helpful, but he uses it for so many purposes that you can't count on it meaning anything to do with his diaper. Anytime he burps, or his stomach growls or he has gas, he says "I poop" and points to his bum and laughs. Maybe we'll get lucky and this will lead to the beginnings of potty training. We did finally break down and buy a little potty that is his size and he does seem to understand that is a place where he can poop. He points to it and says "That mine. I poop", then he points to the big potty and says "that Mama's"...so he sort of gets it, but I'm not counting on him using it anytime soon. We'll see.

Normally when he wakes up in the morning he'll play in his crib for a while without fussing and we have time to get his bottle ready or take a shower, etc. The other morning he woke up crying and fussing. It was so not like him, but he didn't sound hurt or anything, he was just unhappy. So, I went downstairs and got his bottle ready. I took the dog out and did a few little things in the kitchen, then I went up to get him. When I walked in he was laying on his back with his leg stuck out the bars of his crib and he was clearly upset because of that. I felt horrible for having ignored him for the past 15 minutes while I did things that could have waited had I known he was stuck, so I said to him "Rory, you need to let Mama know when you're stuck so I can come help you. I didn't realize you were stuck. You need to tell me." He stopped crying, looked up at me and quite calmly said "Mama, I stuck". I just cracked up and said "yes buddy, I can see that now". I forget how literal kids are.