18 December 2012

Day 3 and still adorable

First night at home went well. Lots of feeding through the night and even some sleep. I'm hoping to nap some with him today to catch up a little. Jordy slept most of the first few hours we were home, which gave us an opportunity to spend some quality time with Rory. A very nice homecoming for everyone. So thankful that Grannie was able to be here for us to take care of Rory while we were in the hospital! We have such great support all around.

16 December 2012

Presenting Jordy Lesley Pigeon

He slept well and has been breastfeeding all night.

We think he is just perfect.

Baby boy Pigeon

Born on 12/16/12 at 12:00 am. 7lbs 8 oz. 20" long

Miles of adorable

Name tbd. :-)

15 December 2012

Getting closer

We were 5 cm and 100% effaced last time we checked. In the tub now and getter closer still.

Before bedtime?

Midwife says we should have this baby before bedtime! Pidge is handling the contractions like a champ. I'd be a hot mess if roles were reversed!


Things are picking up now. Contractions are stronger and closer together.
Less joking around. More measured breathing.
Baby is making its way to us.

Progress update

We are at 2cm and 75% effaced. Things are seeming to pick up though. Pidge is doing great and is feeling strong rested and ready!


Pidge (Kathleen) is doing great. Contractions are staying with us at about every four minutes. We are passing the time with cribbage and online shows.

One great surprise has been two couples from our midwives group are here still with their babies. It's been great visiting with them

Wait and see

Rested well last night and just had breakfast. Contractions are about 4 min apart so we are waiting to see if they continue.

14 December 2012

Suited up for the big game

I think we are ready. Just gave labor a goose and we will try to get some sleep until things start moving along.
Thanks for all your good thoughts.

On our way in...

So, we're heading to the hospital to be induced tonight. We went for our 41 week ultrasound this afternoon and although baby is totally fine, my fluid level is a bit low and induction is the least risky option. We feel really good about the decision and we're all very ready to meet this baby (as I'm sure most of you are).

Bev was particularly happy to have a few hours to "plan" and be extra sure everything is ready to go. I am particularly happy to not be in active labor for this 30 min drive into the birthplace. My favorite part of the evening so far is that we got halfway there and were discussing how great it is that we don't have to rush the ride and that we had all this extra time to hang out with Rory and say goodnight to him, then the very responsible, always on time, Bev realized that she forgot her wallet. So funny that the very orderly, planned out departure she had counted on has now turned into us rushing to get to our scheduled induction...and it's not even my fault!! It's great to have a little laughter heading in. Maybe it will be all the induction we need.

More to come soon (likely the next posts will be Bev writing rather than my stealing her phone to make fun of her).

13 December 2012

Passin the time

Competitive game of Snap helps pass the time waiting for baby #2. Rory is very specific in making us deal the cards like auntie Neese.

10 December 2012

Hot Pigeon

I just lit a fire in the wood stove but Rory is hot. Such a Pigeon!

04 December 2012

18 November 2012

Will it be today?

So Pidge says she's feeling a bit crampy today and has a feeling that she may start labor today. I'm feeling simultaneously excited and terrified it will be so soon. We need to do a few things before this baby arrives. Car seat install. Hospital bag packing. Mental preparation.

Sleepy dude and little friends

Rory shares an umbrella with his nanny share friends. And this is the scene when I went into his room to turn out the light one night.

19 October 2012

New shoes

Baby prep

We finally decided that it's time to go through the newborn clothes and start getting things ready for this new baby. We are nearly 7 weeks away from our due date and it feels much closer than it did last week for some reason.

Rory is quite excited to be a big brother and is doing a good job helping Mama B sort through clothes. (As I write this, I hear her say "that's not helpful Buddy". Too funny)

I threw in a belly pic for those who have asked. :)

17 October 2012

Photo splash

So, we've been so bad about posting lately because I never have the time to write out all the fun stories I want to write, therefore, this post will mostly be just pictures to hold you all over until more stories find their way onto the blog. A quick blurb...yes, we felt the earthquake last night and yes, it freaked us all out. We thought for sure something had exploded in our basement because it felt like it was right underneath us while we sat at the dinner table. The center was only a few miles away in the town next to us and it was a quick, loud, explosive sound and shake and that's it. No damage, everybody is fine, but made for quite the exciting bedtime. I think Rory has a new favorite story to tell. :) Okay, hope all is well and we'll try to get more up soon. His new cowboy hat Playing trucks... A trip to the pumpkin patch with the neighbors...

27 September 2012

Helpful gardeners

Rory and Bayla have been big helpers in the garden lately and planting our walnut trees.

13 September 2012


Classic picture of Rory and Bayla. Checking out a caterpillar. Maybe a monarch caterpillar?

Dirt boy

One of the things that makes my heart swell with pride and love for this boy is his interest in gardening. Helping us dig up potatoes recently, he plopped down in the dirt on his bum, kicked his shoes off and started digging his toes into the cool earth. Now if we could just get him to want to eat more of what came from the garden!


After his recent haircut Rory went to visit his friend nearby. These boys ran around and giggled like crazy. It was adorable.

Haircut 100


And after

11 September 2012

The Big 3...

Rory turned 3 this month. We still can't believe it. He is getting so big and he amazes us every day with the things he remembers, thinks and figures out how to do all by himself. He had a wonderful birthday celebration on his actual birthday. We tried to keep it small but just inviting a few of his friends and neighbors, and Grannie and Grandpa...of course, we still ended up with over 20 people and 8 kids in the house, but we had a blast. Our neighbor Edie made him a baseball cake, which was what he requested and much less complicated than the "red pickup truck with a car on a trailer in the back" cake which he had previously been requesting throughout the summer. Whew!! He has loved every single one of his gifts, and has played with them all mulitple times in the past couple weeks. He's even excited about the clothes and gets excited each time he gets to put on a new pair of big guy underwear or a new shirt. Here's a video of cake time. I have 2 favorite parts of this movie...1) that he sings the whole song to himself and 2) Bev's quick duck around the birthday boy to blow out the extra candles before he leaned his whole head into them and caught his shaggy hair on fire. For our family in Massachusetts, we are going to have another cake for him sometime this weekend so everybody can enjoy the singing live and celebrate. No need for gifts, but he's excited to share more cake with everyone. :) Other exciting news that we've been hesitant to say out loud, but our big guy is mostly pottly trained. He's been wearing big guy underwear every day since July 2nd, and he's doing a great job. I think he's only had 3 accidents since that day. We still have him in a diaper at night and sometimes for naps, but I'm not entirely convinced he needs them at naps. He does fine if we just make sure he goes before he lays down. We're so proud of him. Mostly I think he was ready for it, but we did make sure to start really putting effort into getting him to wear underwear on a week when we were all home on vacation to give him more than just a weekend to adjust before having to tackle the potty at school, but as it turns out, he didn't really need that time. He was ready and he did great with it right away. That worked out great for everyone and he really was excited about it. Here are some shots of the making of the birthday muffins. We stole the idea from one of our friends that a birthday brunch is actually better than an evening birthday party for a 3 year old because naptime is typically 1-3pm, so best that all the kids be fresh and happy in the morning, then give them cake at noon and then the sugar crash happens right at nap time. (Thanks Alex) So, for birthday brunch we though some muffins would be a nice addition as a pre-cake snack. Grannie and Mama B made sure Rory did a good job of making his birthday muffins. He loves to help bake and they came out great!!

31 May 2012

Visit to the Wee-wee house

Memorial day was a fun weekend of lots of yard work, some sangria with friends and a couple BBQ's. To top the weekend off, we stopped by the fire station where our friend Brian is the fire chief. He had offered to show us the firetrucks, which Rory insists on calling "wee-wee's" since that is the sound they make. With true toddler innocence, Rory walked into the BBQ and immediately went up to Brian and asked, "Brian, can I see your wee-wee?", which of course set off a whole slew of adult content jokes which Rory thought was hysterical simply because everyone else was laughing too. Luckily Brian was nice enough to put aside the embarrassment and bring us to see the firetrucks anyway. Rory was so happy that we ended up spending over an hour there, sitting in the trucks and ambulances and pretending to pick up sick people. Of course, in true Pigeon fashion, he also decided we should go to a restaurant and eat after we dropped the sick people off at the "hopitable". Always food on the mind.