24 February 2010

So, this is Rory's newest trick...he is on the verge of being mobile and he gets himself right up on all fours and does the typical rocking thing that all babies seem to do before they crawl. The new trick is his little leap frog addition to the rocking. He rocks for a minute, and then he launches himself forward and usually lands on his face. Then, he often looks up at us and gives us a very big, "proud-of-myself" smile. Its SO funny.

(and, as a side note, I finally figured out that its not this blog site that doesn't let me upload videos, its my computer at home, so hopefully I'll be able to post more videos in the future. We have some funny ones.)

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Very impressive! Nice trick.

    And oh the CUTE. I love his pants!
