21 July 2010

First Steps...

That's right...Rory took his first steps today. He walked from me to Mama Bev several times, and cracked himself up the whole time. He is visibly as proud of himself as we are of him. Of course, being the document-everything-freaks that we are, we immediately grabbed the video camera, and started shooting just at the point where he was so silly and giggly about it all that he couldn't actually take any steps. Instead he just kept standing, then laughing, then falling into one of us, and laughing some more...and then he fell on a toy and gave himself his second black eye ever. Yup, we pushed it a bit too far and ended up letting him fall. :( So sad. He's a trooper though and was back in the saddle later that afternoon.

Here's one video we collected from his triumphant day:


  1. You guys were right...it was right around the corner! Amazing!
    Go Rory Go!
