01 September 2009

Our awesome digs

We feel really lucky to be in such a wonderful environment. Here's Pidge/Kathleen when we first arrived having the baseline strip done. From what I understand, this measures the baby's heartrate as well as and in relation to Pidge's surges (contractions).

The private room we're in is really lovely with wood floors, a huge jacuzzi tub and lots of cabinets to hide unnecessary medical equipment.

The nurses have also been so great and our midwives are just the best hands down. We're also super blessed to have our friend, Nina as doula suggesting different things to make Pidge more comfortable and taking the weight off of me so I can just ride along on this experience with Pidge.

And speaking of Pidge, she's such a trooper. Looking at her, you'd hardly believe she's experiencing labor pains. She's so calm, relaxed and in control of what's happening to her body. So far, we're having the birthing experience we hoped for.

Not much sleep has been had, but Pidge has had a few cat naps and is really relaxed and restful. We couldn't ask for more...oh,maybe for LBP to arrive!

More as it happens...........


  1. Too soon for visitors???? HA! Go Pidgy GO!

  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEV !!! WE LOVE YOU GUYS :) Can't wait to meet the little one and give you guys some hugs.

  3. Happy Birthday Bev! That's so cool that LBP waited until your birthday to start. Thanks for keeping us updated and all the best to you and the family.
