11 March 2009


So, for the past week or so I've been randomly getting that weird feeling you get in your stomach when you go over the top of a roller coaster hill, just as it starts to drop. I wasn't quite sure what it was, but the more it has happened, the more I'm realizing that its actually this little baby in there moving around and basically tickling me from the inside. What a bizarre feeling. It just happened again while writing this. So much fun.

We had a midwive appt. yesterday and got to hear the heartbeat for the third time. This time, while she was looking for the spot to get the best signal from the heart, we heard several loud thumps coming from the monitor. With each one the midwife said "ooh, that's a kick" or "whoa, there's another one". So, apparently this kid is very active right now. The heartbeat was still strong (139bpm) and sounded a bit farther away than before, so I think the baby has shifted positions and its legs and arms are now toward my belly button. Its just so cool that its moving around. Apparently it will still be several weeks before people can feel the movements on the outside, so you'll all have to wait. I get to enjoy this for myself for a bit.

We're off to Costa Rica on Tuesday, and by the time we get back, it will be ultrasound day. The next post I write will have a cool photo of this little one inside of me hopefully. We'll try to bring some warmth and sun home with us as well. See everyone soon.

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