26 June 2013

Down with DOMA day!

What a happy day for those of us that have previously not been entitled to all the rights and responsibilities that come along with being legally married. Although we were going to wait until the ceremony we have planned for next fall to get a marriage license and sign those papers, this decision still has a huge impact on our lives. For the last decade the battle over my right to marry the woman I love has been raging in our home state and with each vote and each baby step forward I kept saying, "well, this will be big, but the real benefit will come when the federal government recognizes us". When we finally won the vote last November and same sex marriage became legal in Maine, I was overjoyed, but still had that same thought..."it doesn't mean much until we get federal benefits". Now, only 7 months later, we've won the next step and I'm overwhelmed with emotion. I wish I had the time to sit down and write it all out and pour over where this all sits in my heart, but I don't. Life is so busy i hardly have time to think about it, nevermind write about it. I've got to get the toddler to bed and pack his lunch for tomorrow. We need to put together a page of photos of our family for his first week of pre-school so he has something comforting to look at if he's feeling sad. I've got to nurse the baby and get together my questions for the doctor because his 6 month appt is tomorrow and I always forget what we needed to ask her. The laundry needs to be switched, the dishes need to be done, we need to schedule an oil change for Bev's car. We need to go over the checkbook together because I'm out of the loop on our finances. The dog needs to be let out, the chickens need to fed and somewhere I need to find 20 hours to put together a swingset for the boys that is sitting in boxes at the base of our driveway. Not that I'm complaining about any of this. It is only to point out, that yes...we are just like anyone else in the good times and bad that you deal with in a relationship. We have the same thoughts and issues, the same day to day list of projects, the same emotions, the same highs and lows that all of our friends have, straight or gay in dealing with their families.
No, this is not a complaint at all. In fact, just the opposite. I'm so happy with my life. Having a toddler, although trying at times, is so fascinating because we get to see the world through innocent eyes without prejudice, full of curiosity. Having a 6 month old as happy as ours is the light of my days. He giggles and smiles and I love every little inch of him so much. And having a partner that I love and trust and respect as much as Bev, who knows when to be funny and when to be supportive and recognizes when I'm a grouch and apologizes when she's one; to be building this home and this life together and raising this family together, makes me feel so lucky and overwhelmed with happiness. And we have all of that no matter what the law says, but oh how sweet it is to have the court on our side this time!


  1. Love love love this. Thank you for giving us a little glimpse into your life, and for sharing!

  2. we celebrate with you, and also love the post. congratulations to us all!

  3. The Team at Saltwater Harbor Financial (and the Simonds Family) have been waiting for this day for a long time... Great Blog... Pidge, let us know if you need a hand getting on the same page of that checkbook... We have continued to specialize in financial planning for All definitions of the word "family", which I am thrilled to report that those definitions are slowly blending together...

