02 September 2010


Our LBP is no longer "little". He's officially a big guy now. Today, Rory turns 1!! Thank you to everyone who was able to brave the traffic and make the trek up to Maine to celebrate with us last weekend. Here are a few photos (okay, a bunch really) of his first birthday party. He had a great time and managed an entire fun filled afternoon without a nap and without a major meltdown. And, although there are only photos him playing with a few of his new toys, I can assure everyone that he has loved and played with all of them in the past week.
Rory opening his first present, dropped off by little elves the night before his party.

He wasn't quite sure about the balloons at first, but he's grown to love them. He still has the mylar one and asks to play with it all the time.

Matchy-matchy...who's ready for fall?!

Why is everybody singing and looking at me??

I'm 1 year old and I can count my age on my finger.

Need a little help blowing out the candle?

Frosting? I've never heard of such a thing.

Rory sharing his George monkey from the cake.

Oh...I think I like frosting!

Its stuck to my hand...get it off!!

Well, maybe I'll just put more on my hand. That was fun the first time.


While we set up his new truck, he had fun playing with the box.

Riding his new truck with Gramma.

Fun with Firetrucks!!

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