28 April 2010

...I'm peeing!!!!

So, this week was Rory's first swim lesson. Of course, in honor of the big event, we had to do a pre-pool swim diaper modeling session to try out his new speedo. He looks awfully cute in it. So cute in fact that as we were taking photos and oogling over our little guy, we failed to notice that he was peeing on the counter while we took the pictures. He must have heard all of the talk about us trying to sell our house and move, and wanted to mark his territory like the animals do. At least now we know that swim diapers do NOT in fact contain urine, just the "solid waste". Perhaps this is why public swimming pools are so heavily chlorinated. The best part is that it wasn't until hours later when we were looking at the photos that we noticed that if you look close, you can actually see the stream of pee dripping out of his diaper. We laughed so hard we nearly peed our pants too. Doesn't he have that look on his face like he's getting away with something right in front of us?!

"Go ahead Mom...take another photo...I'm peeing on the counter. Ha, ha!!"

Practicing his front crawl.

He's so proud of himself.

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