28 August 2009

Healthy baby tests

Alright, so here's the most recent update for all of our impatient supporters out there. We went for an ultrasound and non-stress test yesterday to check on LBP and make sure everything is healthy. All is looking good. The placenta is still in great shape and doing its job, the baby is in good position with its head down and we got so see it making little sucking motions with its mouth (very cute). There is plenty of amniotic fluid. As of yesterday the ultrasound estimated the baby to be around 8lbs, but those can definitely be inaccurate.

We then went to an appt with the midwives after the ultrasound and did the "non-stress test", which basically meant they hooked up a heart rate monitor to LBP and I got to lounge in a comfortable chair with my feet up and play cards with Bev while we watched the monitor numbers change. Every time the baby moves, I had to push a button and then they check to make sure the heart rate when baby is active is rising as its supposed to and decreasing when its not active. The other fun part of it was that we could actually see when I was having contractions based on the numbers, even though I wasn't feeling much. These were very mild ones and the monitor still picked them up. I've definitely had some that are more intense, but nothing consistent.

So, all of this leaves us in the be patient and wait category because everything with LBP and with me are completely healthy and normal. We will do more testing next week if we still don't have the baby yet. We're hoping the coming "hurricane-like" weather will trigger some labor action this weekend. I hear 10 days past due is a good time to have babies. :)

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