30 August 2009
Lazy Sunday...
Well, LBP is certainly being lazy. Bev and I were as active as possible today, trying to kick start labor. We've been on 2 hikes today and went blackberry picking in our friend Meghan's back yard. Unfortunately, LBP is still lazing around inside my big belly, as comfortable as can be. I think you can sort of tell from the photo that I have dropped a little, which is a good sign, and I have been having mild contractions for the past couple days, also a good sign, but no sign of any real labor starting.
The good thing is that most of the things they say to do to try to "induce" labor naturally are things I really enjoy; hiking, eating spicy food, driving on bumpy roads (well, not that I necessarily enjoy that one usually, but there is construction in every direction we go around here, so its at least easy to find), etc. So, for now we just keep doing all of those things and hope to meet our little one soon.
I will admit, I am starting to feel a bit impatient, but I suppose its good practice for the concept that the baby now has a say in our schedules, sometimes more than we'd like to admit.
Looks like its back to work tomorrow for me. I'll keep you all updated if anything exciting happens.
28 August 2009
Healthy baby tests
Alright, so here's the most recent update for all of our impatient supporters out there. We went for an ultrasound and non-stress test yesterday to check on LBP and make sure everything is healthy. All is looking good. The placenta is still in great shape and doing its job, the baby is in good position with its head down and we got so see it making little sucking motions with its mouth (very cute). There is plenty of amniotic fluid. As of yesterday the ultrasound estimated the baby to be around 8lbs, but those can definitely be inaccurate.
We then went to an appt with the midwives after the ultrasound and did the "non-stress test", which basically meant they hooked up a heart rate monitor to LBP and I got to lounge in a comfortable chair with my feet up and play cards with Bev while we watched the monitor numbers change. Every time the baby moves, I had to push a button and then they check to make sure the heart rate when baby is active is rising as its supposed to and decreasing when its not active. The other fun part of it was that we could actually see when I was having contractions based on the numbers, even though I wasn't feeling much. These were very mild ones and the monitor still picked them up. I've definitely had some that are more intense, but nothing consistent.
So, all of this leaves us in the be patient and wait category because everything with LBP and with me are completely healthy and normal. We will do more testing next week if we still don't have the baby yet. We're hoping the coming "hurricane-like" weather will trigger some labor action this weekend. I hear 10 days past due is a good time to have babies. :)
We then went to an appt with the midwives after the ultrasound and did the "non-stress test", which basically meant they hooked up a heart rate monitor to LBP and I got to lounge in a comfortable chair with my feet up and play cards with Bev while we watched the monitor numbers change. Every time the baby moves, I had to push a button and then they check to make sure the heart rate when baby is active is rising as its supposed to and decreasing when its not active. The other fun part of it was that we could actually see when I was having contractions based on the numbers, even though I wasn't feeling much. These were very mild ones and the monitor still picked them up. I've definitely had some that are more intense, but nothing consistent.
So, all of this leaves us in the be patient and wait category because everything with LBP and with me are completely healthy and normal. We will do more testing next week if we still don't have the baby yet. We're hoping the coming "hurricane-like" weather will trigger some labor action this weekend. I hear 10 days past due is a good time to have babies. :)
24 August 2009
23 August 2009
Life beyond the due date...
Your perspective: My Perspective:
Yes, that globe of wonder is my belly from my perspective. Very funny. So, life beyond the due date is really no different than life before the due date except that now we get more questions of anticipation from everyone we see or talk to. Its all been amusing up to this point because I'm not feeling impatient yet, but ask me next week and I may have a different answer. The baby is doing well and is still in good position and getting ready for the journey out. There is lots of feet kicking and bum shifting going on, which is fascinating to watch. I spent some time the other night trying to catch the alien inside on video, but its very hard to get on film what we actually see and feel.
Other than watching the belly acrobatics and trying to stay busy and active, not much else going on around here. Our porch renovations are coming along beautifully. We're very excited with the work being done and the final outcome is going to be amazing. We'll post some before and after photos soon. We converted our stove from electric to a gas range, which makes Bev very happy and even more excited to cook than ever (which makes me and LBP very happy). The new stove is beautiful and I do agree that cooking on gas is going to be so much better.
We'll keep everyone updated on the progress, but for this morning, there is no action to report. Make your guesses now for boy vs. girl. We may have a real answer soon.
Yes, that globe of wonder is my belly from my perspective. Very funny. So, life beyond the due date is really no different than life before the due date except that now we get more questions of anticipation from everyone we see or talk to. Its all been amusing up to this point because I'm not feeling impatient yet, but ask me next week and I may have a different answer. The baby is doing well and is still in good position and getting ready for the journey out. There is lots of feet kicking and bum shifting going on, which is fascinating to watch. I spent some time the other night trying to catch the alien inside on video, but its very hard to get on film what we actually see and feel.
Other than watching the belly acrobatics and trying to stay busy and active, not much else going on around here. Our porch renovations are coming along beautifully. We're very excited with the work being done and the final outcome is going to be amazing. We'll post some before and after photos soon. We converted our stove from electric to a gas range, which makes Bev very happy and even more excited to cook than ever (which makes me and LBP very happy). The new stove is beautiful and I do agree that cooking on gas is going to be so much better.
We'll keep everyone updated on the progress, but for this morning, there is no action to report. Make your guesses now for boy vs. girl. We may have a real answer soon.
19 August 2009
Done with 90 degrees
Okay, so you all know that I'm not usually a big fan of being hot anyway, and I think I've been fairly good at trying not to complain too much throughout this pregnancy (and I've been lucky enough to have very little to complain about) but I'm DONE with 90 degree heat. This is a bit ridiculous. We're in Maine for crying out loud. Its at least supposed to get cooler at night. I end up sweating even sitting in front of the AC on high. I couldn't even sit on the couch to watch a movie last night because the fabric of the furniture was making me too hot...and that's with the air conditioning having been on all day and still on high.
That's my complaint of the day. As for more fun stuff, while the technical due date is tomorrow, I have very little to report on LBP action. There is lots of movement and the baby is in good position, but I can't say that I've felt anything remotely resembling what I assume a contraction will feel like yet. That being said, my "chocolate system" dictates that tomorrow should be the birthday. See, a few weeks ago, I was craving chocolates; specifically orange creams in dark chocolate. So, of course, one must obey the cravings and I went down to Haven's, our local chocolate store and got myself a nice variety pack of creams, including several orange creams, some blueberry, strawberry, lemon, buttercream and peppermint creams, all in dark chocolate. In my little box fit 16 chocolates, of which I promptly ate 4 (to make up for the days I had been craving and not having one, of course). Then I decided that the timing would work out great that if I ate 1 a day, whenever I'm at work (because I keep my chocolate and ice cream stocks at work to save Bev from having to look at them in the house all day...aka I don't have to share at work. Really, she asked me to do this.) that I would end up being close to my due date when the box was empty and maybe that would be the day I have the baby. I never did the math fully to figure out what day it would be, I just figured it would be close. Well, with the days I was out of work sick last week and following my one a day when I'm here rule, I actually have my very last one to eat today...which means, that tomorrow I should have the baby according to my "chocolate rule". That would be ironic considering I just read recently that only 4% of babies are actually due on their due date. Crazy, huh?!
We shall see. Now I just need to decide whether or not to go buy more chocolates if I don't go into labor tomorrow...hmmmmmm??!!
That's my complaint of the day. As for more fun stuff, while the technical due date is tomorrow, I have very little to report on LBP action. There is lots of movement and the baby is in good position, but I can't say that I've felt anything remotely resembling what I assume a contraction will feel like yet. That being said, my "chocolate system" dictates that tomorrow should be the birthday. See, a few weeks ago, I was craving chocolates; specifically orange creams in dark chocolate. So, of course, one must obey the cravings and I went down to Haven's, our local chocolate store and got myself a nice variety pack of creams, including several orange creams, some blueberry, strawberry, lemon, buttercream and peppermint creams, all in dark chocolate. In my little box fit 16 chocolates, of which I promptly ate 4 (to make up for the days I had been craving and not having one, of course). Then I decided that the timing would work out great that if I ate 1 a day, whenever I'm at work (because I keep my chocolate and ice cream stocks at work to save Bev from having to look at them in the house all day...aka I don't have to share at work. Really, she asked me to do this.) that I would end up being close to my due date when the box was empty and maybe that would be the day I have the baby. I never did the math fully to figure out what day it would be, I just figured it would be close. Well, with the days I was out of work sick last week and following my one a day when I'm here rule, I actually have my very last one to eat today...which means, that tomorrow I should have the baby according to my "chocolate rule". That would be ironic considering I just read recently that only 4% of babies are actually due on their due date. Crazy, huh?!
We shall see. Now I just need to decide whether or not to go buy more chocolates if I don't go into labor tomorrow...hmmmmmm??!!
13 August 2009
One Week until the Estimated Time of Arrival
Today we are at 39 weeks which means only one week to go until Little Baby Pigeon's ETA!
It's hard to imagine that this active lump that's been growing in Kathleen's belly will someday very soon make the transition into the outside and be a real live baby....with a personality, and its own hair and eye color, and opinions. Well, maybe not opinions just yet, but someday.
Everything is pretty much in order and ready for the baby. This weekend, we put the car seats in. For me, that seems like one of the biggest milestones. Once that car seat is in, it's not coming out for a long time and I'm going to have to accept having crushed-up Cheerios floating around my backseat for the foreseeable future. Don't even get me started on the Fisher-Price window shade.
Anyway, here's a shot of the Momma Pigeon at 39 weeks.
11 August 2009
Time flies...
Okay, so my intention was to update more often now that we're getting closer to the due date, but somehow between starting renovations on our house, catching a nasty sinus/ear infection and growing a baby, the posting to the blog seems to have fallen behind. Good news is...most of that is behind us now. Moving forward there shall be more effort put into more frequent postings. :)
So, the update on all the happenings. Firstly, LBP is growing and still a very active baby despite its lack of space in my body. Lately I think the little one has concocted an escape plan that involves bursting out the side of my belly Spaceballs-style and doing a little dance (if you haven't seen it click here for a glimpse). I do actually think somedays there is dance practice going on inside. I have tried several times to catch the alien movements on video so I could post it, but alas, this little one is too quick for me. You'll just have to take my word for it that its a bit freaky, and really cool to see a full foot or a knee go cruising across your belly about an inch further out than the rest of your body. The latest belly photo is included for your amusement. Photo taken 08/07/09 (about 2 weeks pre-due date).
As for the infections, let's just say its not very fun to be sick and 9 months pregnant. I think my immune system is not quite up for the work it had to do this week. Luckily, each day gets a little better and I've been at least moderately functional this week. Last week I pretty much spent in bed. The cough was so intense I was nervous all the stomach contracting was going to send me into labor, but I think LBP knew it would be more wise to wait it out inside than to come into the world hearing that horrible hacking noise.
The renovations are coming along wonderfully. The boys are doing a fabulous job trying to get everything done before LBP arrives. I think its going to be a tight race. All of the framework is done and the new windows are in and they look amazing. Most of the insulation in the roof and walls is done and the new sheetrock is going up this week. We're very excited to see the finished product. I'll put up some photos once its done showing the progress along the way.
Okay, that's it for now. Stay tuned for more postings, more often, someday to include much more adorable photos than pictures of my big belly.
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