19 October 2012

New shoes

Baby prep

We finally decided that it's time to go through the newborn clothes and start getting things ready for this new baby. We are nearly 7 weeks away from our due date and it feels much closer than it did last week for some reason.

Rory is quite excited to be a big brother and is doing a good job helping Mama B sort through clothes. (As I write this, I hear her say "that's not helpful Buddy". Too funny)

I threw in a belly pic for those who have asked. :)

17 October 2012

Photo splash

So, we've been so bad about posting lately because I never have the time to write out all the fun stories I want to write, therefore, this post will mostly be just pictures to hold you all over until more stories find their way onto the blog. A quick blurb...yes, we felt the earthquake last night and yes, it freaked us all out. We thought for sure something had exploded in our basement because it felt like it was right underneath us while we sat at the dinner table. The center was only a few miles away in the town next to us and it was a quick, loud, explosive sound and shake and that's it. No damage, everybody is fine, but made for quite the exciting bedtime. I think Rory has a new favorite story to tell. :) Okay, hope all is well and we'll try to get more up soon. His new cowboy hat Playing trucks... A trip to the pumpkin patch with the neighbors...