24 February 2010

So, this is Rory's newest trick...he is on the verge of being mobile and he gets himself right up on all fours and does the typical rocking thing that all babies seem to do before they crawl. The new trick is his little leap frog addition to the rocking. He rocks for a minute, and then he launches himself forward and usually lands on his face. Then, he often looks up at us and gives us a very big, "proud-of-myself" smile. Its SO funny.

(and, as a side note, I finally figured out that its not this blog site that doesn't let me upload videos, its my computer at home, so hopefully I'll be able to post more videos in the future. We have some funny ones.)

I love food

So Rory continues to enjoy the delights of solid food. Carrots and sweet potatoes are the only things we've tried thus far, but we'll be introducing other things soonish.

We got a kick out of Rory's daily reflection (the daily report from daycare) yesterday. This was the first day we brought solids to daycare. Under "what I learned about myself today" it said, "I am comfortable in my surroundings and I Love Food!" We were cracking up, I wondered if that statement referred to Rory or Pidge. Then we read the entry under "What I need to work on" and it said, "Not getting discouraged when food is gone."

The boy sure does love his food.

23 February 2010

The One Tooth Wonder...

After nearly 3 months of saying "oh, he's teething", Rory finally has his first tooth. Hooray!!! He's been chewing his poor little hands raw and waking up in the middle of the night fussing because his gums hurt him. Its so sad when you know he's up because he's in pain. We're all very excited for this little milestone, although I have to admit, part of me is a little sad that he is growing up so quick. I can't believe our little guy has a tooth?!

18 February 2010

Preppy boy

Man do we love our preppy boy! Can you tell it won't be long before he's greeting Spring with sweater vests and polo shirts?

16 February 2010

Rory's First Solids...

Well...now we know how much he likes sweet potato. As sad as he looks, it was actually hilarious to watch him make those faces. He truly was horrified at what we were trying to do to him. He gave me a look that very clearly said "Why?! What did I do to deserve you putting such a thing in my mouth?!" Really, basically none of it got into his mouth anyway. As soon as he realized it didn't taste like milk, he locked his lips together and gave us his most pathetic frown possible.
He really did show all the signs that he was ready for eating, but apparently he wasn't quite there yet. We tried a few more days over the week (this was 2 weeks ago) and he didn't seem to like it any better. We had a bit more luck with carrots, and by that I simply mean he didn't look quite so sad about it, but he still didn't eat any. He enjoyed playing with it some. We decided to wait a bit longer since he clearly was not ready for it.
Yesterday, I had a feeling that he was ready. It had been almost 2 weeks since we tried the sweet potato unsuccessfully and he just seemed like now he'd really want it. I was right. We tried the carrots again and he ate pretty much the entire ounce. He was opening his mouth and really mushing it around with his tongue and then swallowing most of it (a bunch still landed on his bib, the table, his face, his hands, me, etc) but a good part of it went all the way in. :) Thanks to our friends Pam and Judy at Deep Roots Farm for their carrots as Rory's first official solid food!!